  • Client

    Side Project

  • Date

    July 22, 2018

  • Time Taken

    10 days


The objective of this project is to give an SMS alert to the family members of a person engaged in an accident. The SMS alert including the location (latitudes,longitudes) of the accident spot along with a google map link will be sent to the family members of the injured person and also to ambulance and the nearest police station.
The technology used is : Embedded Systems with some basic sensors such as GPS module , GSM module and Arduino microcontroller.

The Challenge

1. The number of road accidents in world are increasing day by day despite certain preventive steps taken by the governments.
2. In many of the cases when accident takes place, the victim do not gets help due to no contact with the victim or unawareness of the location of the accident.
In today’s world, various accident detection technologies are present but they do not provide the accident spot location to the local police, ambulance and the family members of the victim.

The Solution

1. If the location where the accident has taken place is known the family members and by the local police and ambulance facilities the death rate in the road accidents can be reduced to a greater extent.
2. The accident location( latitudes, longitudes ) of the accident spot along with Google map link can be helpful for the victim.